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King of My Heart - Who's On The Throne?


This is a medieval themed VBS packed with exciting Bible stories about the Children of Israel demanding that God give them a king.  The Bible lessons continue through the lives of King Saul and King David. 


Your children will learn about having a heart that is surrendered to God rather than a rebellious heart.


Hold your breath as you experience the daily Jester & Dark Knight Skits that reveal a plot to overthrow the King.


Dagwood the Dragon helps teach daily Bible verses.


Learn about purity of heart and body from the story, "Marabella"


The VBS manual gives you everything you need to run a week of VBS.

Included is: The entire platform program with Puppet scripts, Daily theme skits, Secondary stories, Bibles stories, etc.

Also included are: Copyready materials of Forms, Activity Sheets, Registration cards, Sheet music for songs, and much more!


Daily Bible Stories

  • Day 1 - A Rejecting Heart - Israel Rejects Their King
  • Day 2 - A Disobedient Heart - Saul Disobeys God
  • Day 3 - An Obedient Heart - David Obeys God
  • Day 4 - A Repentant Heart - David Repents of Sin
  • Day 5 - King of Your Heart - Who's on the Throne of Your Heart?

King of My Heart - Download

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